Making Assumptions is a natural process, it is a continuous subconscious program that runs in our heads. A few of us are not even aware of this program running in the background, like many mobile apps. So what’s the harm? Like our mobile phones, some background apps start interfering with the process we want to run, and so do assumptions that impact our desired functioning. And that is why we need to be conscious of what our CPU ( brain) is processing.
So, what is an assumption?
Anything that is not fact, is an assumption. The next logical question is what is fact? Facts are verifiable and absolute information (without implied conditions).
For example,
My room is blue in colour. This is a fact.
Here are three more statements:
1. Blue is a soothing colour, and helps anyone calm down. Hence it improves the productivity of anyone who sits in a room that is blue in colour.
2. The word blue (Monday blues) is used to represent sadness. A room blue in colour will only drain anyone’s energy. Blue is a bad choice of colour for the room. Hence the productivity of anyone who sits in a room that is blue in colour will reduce drastically.
3. How does it matter what colour of the walls the room has? Those who work can work anywhere.
Any of the above statements can resonate with you. But are any of the above three statements a fact?
Assumptions tend to generalize things like – There is only one right solution, happiness is elusive, leaders always lead, parents are always right, and so forth.
Assumptions are one’s opinions that one begins to believe in as facts. And that is the trap. We begin to blur the distinction between facts and our beliefs. But how does it affect us? Since we can not distinguish between facts and our beliefs (not accurate) we behave accordingly. Our assumptions begin to guide our thoughts, interactions, and behavior with others. This is where the trouble lies. It is like building a structure on a shaky or NO foundation.
Why do we assume?
As humans we are believers, we tend to associate with things, stories, and information that align with our beliefs. In this process, we pick up insufficient or inaccurate information and begin to validate them simply because they align with our beliefs or values.
For example, all flights are delayed. Or most officials are corrupt. There is no accurate data to support the statements but we begin to work with these assumptions.
What are the pitfalls of assumption?
The trouble with assumptions are:
We are blissfully unaware of our assumptions
We believe that they are accurate
We seldom question our assumption
We keep validating our assumptions with every event/ interaction
We protect our assumptions and are not open to others questioning them.
With all the above we tend to create our own blissful little world of reality that is not real.
What can we do?
The first step is to accept that we are assuming things. And this step wins half the battle. This is how we can try:
Check words like ‘always, never, everyone, no one’ etc. These sweeping words are usually indicators of assumptions.
Each time you find yourself using these or similar words, please question – Is this true?
Ask yourself if you have any information to counter this belief/ assumption
Try to learn more about the counter argument.
Keep an open mind and reassess your assumptions.
Why make all this effort?
It is crucial that we make this effort for multiple reasons. A few of them are:
It's good to live in the real world and have your facts in place: that is self-explanatory. Imagine if we still had someone who believed that earth is the center of the universe ( like pre-Copernicus era), would this person still fit well in today's world?
We are all influencers: we all have our set of people who are influenced by our thoughts. Our family, friends, and team members. As influencers, it is our duty to be certain of who and what we are influencing.
Every time we break a barrier of our assumption, we are wiser and grow intellectually.
The habit of questioning is a great step towards being curious and wiser.
Gathering balanced information (positive and negative) allows one to make informed decisions and reason out choices wisely.
The ability to back your opinions with facts makes one a good negotiator, influencer and hence a better leader.
Breaking assumptions can open a world of possibilities for us. It is like we have created our own shackles and they are now limiting the flight of our thoughts and imagination.
Every day we make choices with hundreds of assumptions, albeit unknowingly. How about we take charge of our own thoughts, and begin questioning the basis of our thoughts, words, and actions?
This article is not based on any assumption, pun intended!