Why Outbound sessions?
The objective of the training program is to develop Leadership and Collaboration through experiential learning. This is achieved through outbound activities that are designed and delivered to improve leadership, team work, communication skills, conflict management, time management & delegation, self-awareness, critical thinking and problem solving. The participants are facilitated to engage in a variety of outbound physical and mindful activities that provide a thought provoking, memorable and deep learning experience.
What you'll learn

Develop big picture thinking
Identify the importance of managing conflict and collaborating within and across teams
Identify the importance of Communication and Listening in the Team
Learn and apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills
Learn to be more self-aware and foster greater emotional Intelligence
Learn effective time management
Learn to provide and seek feedback constructively
Establish a bond of trust with each other

Our Outbound Training Programs are designed as team activities where the participants are assigned tasks that need to be completed within a specified time. As facilitators, we invite the group to achieve a goal, but do not direct how to successfully complete the activity, it is for participants to work out or find a solution individually and together as a team.
The participants must communicate, collaborate and learn from each other in order to be successful. During this program, learning begins with activity (experience) followed by reflection, discussion, analysis and evaluation of the experience. This entire process helps internalize the learning and taking the newly formed concepts and ideas back to the workplace.
The participants are facilitated to engage in a variety of training activities and outbound training games that give an immersive learning experience and bring out a variety of learning outcomes based on the participants experiences and organizational learning needs.
Debriefing Session: every activity is followed by a debriefing session. Here we reflect upon and discuss the accomplishment, performance and behavior of the teams during training games. A parallel is drawn between the learnings from the activity and real-life situations and challenges at the workplace. Strategies are formulated to deal with challenges, and these strategies are then developed to bring changes in behavior or processes that would positively impact their performance and help achieve the larger organizational objectives.
Learning Style: Group Exercises, Experiential Learning activities with Outbound Management Development Methodology. Interactive Discussion and Instructor Led Learning (ILD)
Our Delivery Methodology
View Our Training Videos

The action plans are pointed actionable that expedite attainment of organizational objectives.
To learn about our 2-day schedule for the Outbound Leadership Development Program, click on button below