Learn the basics and advanced features of the database and understand RDBMS concepts.
This course will help you to learn all you need to know about SQL, complex queries, and DBA features.
Understanding RDBMS Concepts with MYSQL/Oracle
Course Synopsis
What do I need to bring?
Commitment, dedication to learn with 100% attendance
How are the Classes conducted?
Live Instructor-led sessions through Skype or Zoom(Not recorded videos).
Activities and worksheets through Google Classrooms
When is the Course being conducted?
Please fill up the Enquiry Form at the end of this web-page.
We will contact you once the registration opens.
What is the duration of the course?
Twenty(20) Hours
Course Curriculum
RDBMS Concepts
Module 1: Getting Started with SQL

Exploring Relational DBMS
Identify Entities and their Relationships
Conversion of E.R. Diagrams into Tables

Introduction to MySQL & MySQL workbench
Module 2: SQL Statements
Module 3: Working with multiple tables

Learn DDL, DML, DRL, DCL and TCL statements
Learn Datatypes in SQL
Exploring Where Clause with Operators
Working with Constraints
Using functions in Queries

Understanding Types of Joins
Obtaining Data from Multiple Tables
Working with SET Operators
Using a Subquery to Solve a Problem
Single-Row and Multiple-Row Subqueries
Group-By and Having clause
Module 4: Database Operations
Module 5: Understanding Advanced
MySQL Concepts

Creating, Implementing, and Dropping Views
Retrieving Data from a View
Learn When to Create an Index
Creating and Dropping Indexes
Sort the result-set in ascending or descending order
Commit, rollback

Working with Stored procedure
User-Defined Function with parameters
Managing MySQL triggers
Creating and Dropping procedures, Functions,
and Triggers
Working with Cursors
DBA Features

Grant and Revoke permissions
Batch will be Conducted by:
Nandini Paras - Technology Mentor
To learn more about our Mentors, please click on Learn More
Course Cost - Rs. 1000/-
Note: - For effective learning, we accommodate only 15 trainees.
Hurry up and register now.