All Courses

Duration: 2 Hours
Introduction to US Healthcare Domain
The course aims to provide insights into the evolution of US Healthcare, the US Healthcare ecosystem, participants in the US Healthcare, Health IT & Tools and US Healthcare Regulators & Policymakers.
This course will cover the various types of payers in the US healthcare industry, the role of CMS, different types of health insurance plans and various cost components in a health plan, claim adjudication, and a few use cases demonstrating claim adjudication using various components for a subscriber/visit dependent's to a clinic.
Duration: 3 Hours
The role of Payers in US Healthcare - An Overview

This course provides insights into EHR, common EHR features, typical EHR Workflow, personas & scenarios, EHR interoperability and scenarios, ONC & Certified EHR, and electronic Quality Reporting.
Duration: 3 Hours
Electronic Health Records (EHR)

This course aims to provide a comprehensive knowledge about Revenue Cycle in Healthcare, RCM and how RCM improves revenue cycle, Revenue Cycle process steps, and challenges. This course also provides an overview on EDI, ERA and EFT and its enrollment process along with sample EDI X12 transactions.
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)
Duration: 3 Hours
This course covers Healthcare Interoperability, HL7 fundamentals, HL7 message exchange standards and protocols, HL7 message structures, HL7 CDA and FHIR, and IHE Profiles overview along with discussions on the challenges and future of healthcare interoperability. Use cases will be discussed using applications & tools.
Healthcare Interoperability
Duration: 4 Hours
US Healthcare Domain Training Courses
As a health IT professional, you will gain wider knowledge on healthcare interoperability messaging standards and structures. Your approaches and techniques would be better tuned when you design interfaces. You will also gain confidence to propose different interfaces that enable interoperability. As a business, you will be able to horizontally expand your healthcare interoperability services.

Introduction to US Healthcare Domain
Duration: 2 Hours
The course aims to provide insights into the evolution of US Healthcare, the US Healthcare ecosystem, participants in the US Healthcare, Health IT & Tools and US Healthcare Regulators & Policymakers.
What will be discussed?
Evolution of the US Healthcare
The US Healthcare Ecosystem
Participants in US Healthcare
Different types of participants
Health services delivery system
Different types of services
Different types of payers
Types of Health plans
Healthcare Regulators and Policymakers
Common Healthcare Codes
Healthcare spending and why it is so expensive in the US
Where does your money go?
Spending that contributes to Healthcare
Healthcare spending contributing towards waste
Common terminologies
What value will be added?
As a Healthcare IT professional, you will have a better understanding on how the healthcare system evolved, how health IT systems work together and why standard messaging structure and codes are important. You will be able to visualize where your client fits in the healthcare ecosystem and help them with better services and scale their business.
What further related topics can you explore?
Trends in US Healthcare industry
Drivers of Healthcare cost
How do pharmaceutical industries influence US Healthcare?

The role of Payers in US Healthcare - An Overview
Duration: 3 Hours
This course will cover the various types of payers in the US healthcare industry, the role of CMS, different types of health insurance plans and various cost components in a health plan, claim adjudication, and a few use cases demonstrating claim adjudication using various components for a subscriber/visit dependent's to a clinic.
What will be discussed?
Why health insurance?
Overview on other insurances
Different ways to get health insurance
Participants in Health Insurance
Types of Health Insurance Programs
Type of Health Insurances
How do Medicare and Medicaid distribute benefits?
Components of a health plan and how it works.
Solving a few use cases
Understanding drug formularies
Insights into employer-sponsored health plans
How does the US reimbursement system work?
Healthcare code sets used in claims
Overview on medical billing forms & EDI
Trends in the payer industry
What value will be added?
As a Healthcare IT professional, you will gain a better understanding on how the healthcare system evolved, how health IT systems work together and why standard messaging structure and codes are important. Also, some of the topics might trigger interest to explore more into payment analytics and integrity. You will be able to visualize where your client fits in the healthcare ecosystem and help them with better services and scale their business.
What further related topics can you explore?
Claim Analytics
Payment Integrity
Financial Trend Analytics
Plan and Benefit Design

Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Duration: 3 Hours
This course provides insights into EHR, common EHR features, typical EHR Workflow, personas & scenarios, EHR interoperability and scenarios, ONC & Certified EHR, and electronic Quality Reporting.
What will be discussed?
What is Health IT?
Different types of Health IT systems
What is an EHR?
Common EHR features
Walkthrough of the features using an EHR
Different personas & scenarios
What is EHR interoperability?
Walkthrough of a few message exchanges from EHR
What is a certified EHR?
Privacy & Security requirements for any EHR
EHR & Accessibility standards
EHR & Quality reporting
Certified Health IT Product List
What value will be added?
As a health IT professional, you will enrich your knowledge in EHR and its features and how these systems enable interoperability with health IT other systems. The wealth of knowledge gained enables you to provide better solutions and approaches to your client. Moreover, the understanding of the ONC and certified EHR will empower you to provide better consulting to your clients and win new business.
What further related topics can you explore?
EHR customization for specialties
EHR Reporting & Analytics
Developing EHR Interfaces

Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)
Duration: 3 Hours
This course aims to provide comprehensive knowledge about Revenue Cycle in Healthcare, RCM and how RCM improves revenue cycle, Revenue Cycle process steps, and challenges. This course also provides an overview on EDI, ERA and EFT and its enrollment process along with sample EDI X12 transactions.
What will be discussed?
What is Revenue Cycle?
Basics of healthcare revenue cycle management (RCM)
Process steps involved in RCM
Discussion on key process steps
Eligibility/Health Benefit verification
Utilization Review
Claims submission & ERA
Denial Management
How does RCM improve Revenue Cycle performance?
Challenges in Revenue Cycle
How does technology helps drive RCM?
Why do providers and payers use Clearing Houses?
Overview on EDI, ERA & EFT
Electronic transactions
EDI X12 outbound and inbound samples and discussions
Key vendors
What value will be added?
As a health IT professional, you will gain a greater understanding of the healthcare revenue cycle and RCM. A clear understanding of challenges or leakage in the revenue cycle will compliment you with a different perspective on solving your clients’ billing cycle issues. The insights you get on EDI X12 transactions will trigger the interest to further explore EDI X12 and develop interfaces.
What further related topics can you explore?
How to optimize RCM?
Interfacing with clearing houses
Develop billing interfaces
Major players in RCM

Healthcare Interoperability
Duration: 4 Hours
This course covers Healthcare Interoperability, HL7 fundamentals, HL7 message exchange standards and protocols, HL7 message structures, HL7 CDA and FHIR, and IHE Profiles overview along with discussions on the challenges and future of healthcare interoperability. Use cases will be discussed using applications & tools.
What will be discussed?
What is healthcare Interoperability?
Building Blocks of Interoperability
Why standards?
Standards development organization
Types of Standards
Message exchange standards
Pre-FHIR Standards
FHIR Standards
HL7v2 Overview
Design principles
Types of messages
Business cases of CDA
Examples using ADT, ORU
Overview of CDA
Design principles & Implementation guide
Business cases for CDA
Example using Transition of Care document
IHE Profiles Overview
IHE Methodology
IHE Domains
Example IHE XDS transaction
HL7 FHIR Overview
FHIR Basics
Reference to Implementation Guide
Relationship with HL7v2/CDA/IHE profile
Example of usage with Patient Demographics
Exercise mapping workflows to standards for possible inbound and outbound messaging
Challenges with interoperability in healthcare
Future of healthcare interoperability
What value will be added?
As a health IT professional, you will gain wider knowledge on healthcare interoperability messaging standards and structures. Your approaches and techniques would be better tuned when you design interfaces. You will also gain confidence to propose different interfaces that enable interoperability. As a business, you will be able to horizontally expand your healthcare interoperability services.
What further related topics can you explore?
HL7 Certifications
FHIR based healthcare interoperability
Emerging tools and technologies in healthcare interoperability