This course will help you to understand the basics and advanced features of Core Java.
Learn Core Java Programming using Eclipse IDE, do object-oriented programming, and connect to the database using MYSQL.
Learn A-B-C of Programming with Core Java
Course Synopsis
What do I need to bring?
Commitment, dedication to learn with 100% attendance
How are the Classes conducted?
Live Instructor-led sessions through Skype or Zoom(Not recorded videos).
Activities and worksheets through Google Classrooms
When is the Course being conducted?
Please fill up the Enquiry Form at the end of this web-page.
We will contact you once the registration opens.
What is the duration of the course?
Forty-Eight (48) Hours
Course Curriculum
Getting Started with Java

Introduction and features of Java
Understanding JDK, JRE, JVM
Learn Datatypes, Operators and Keywords
Control Statements and it's various categories
String Operations
Object-Oriented Programming

String Operation and Packages

Defining classes, variables, and methods
Creating an object method calls via object references
Constructor and initialization code block
Abstract Class and Interfaces
Encapsulation and Polymorphism
Inheritance and its types
Exception Handling and Input/Output
I/O Operations

Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions
Keywords in Exception
In-built and User Defined Exceptions

Learn classes for Input and Output
Reading and Writing to a file
Reading User Input from Console
Working with Data Structure

Understanding Array vs Collection
Hierarchy of Collection Framework
List, Set, and Queue Interfaces and Implementation
Map and Implementation Classes
Generics for Collection

Understanding the Life-Cycle of Thread
Creating a Thread by inheriting and implementing
Learn various methods of Thread Class
Working with Synchronization method
Basics of SQL

DDL, DML Statements

JDBC Drivers and Architecture
Steps to connect to the database
Connectivity with MySQL
Java 8 Features

Lambda Expressions for each statement
Java Stream API
Batch will be Conducted by:
Nandini Paras - Technology Mentor
To learn more about our Mentors, please click on Learn More
Course Cost - Rs. 2400/-
Note: - For effective learning, we accommodate only 15 trainees.
Hurry up and register now.